Volunteers needed to be player buddies to children with disabilities during baseball season.
In an effort to reduce juvenile crime and instill positive values, character and leadership skills, PAL provides safe activities for the youth of Jacksonville.
Volunteers needed for educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
Fundraising projects for students to discover philanthropy.
The MaliVai Washington Kids Foundation reaches many children in Jacksonville through an after-school program known as Tennis and Tutoring.
Mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
Volunteer your time as a mentor, volunteers needed from ages 13 and up.
Ensures inclusive, quality educational experiences for all military-connected children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition.
Therapeutic horseback riding customized to your child’s specific challenges. These therapeutic riding lessons are designed to help with cognitive, physical, social, emotional, learning and classroom challenges or a combination thereof.
Stabilizes vulnerable households and empowers families to achieve self-sufficiency through education, employment, and advocacy.
Provides tangible support to the children of deployed and severely injured National Guard and Military Reserve personnel.
Provides girls and young women the opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, and training in a nurturing environment.
Volunteer opportunities for role models who can mentor children and families in need.
Offers support and temporary lodging to families while their sick or injured children receive medical care at Jacksonville’s hospitals and clinics.
Boarding school that utilizes maritime principles, discipline and seamanship as a therapeutic model for helping turn around at-risk teenage boys.
Provides a safe, loving two-parent home where children can settle and experience life in a secure and stable community.
Self-Advocacy Training is a service designed to prepare individuals on how to better communicate their strengths, abilities, interest, and needs when interviewing with potential employers or applying to trade schools, colleges, or universities.