Greenwood School

Greenwood School
Short Description

At Greenwood School we recognize that no two students are the same and neither are their learning styles. That’s why we are dedicated to providing a challenging and supportive learning environment for average to above average students who struggle with reading difficulties, need ADHD support or have other learning differences.

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Full Description

At Greenwood School we recognize that no two students are the same and neither are their learning styles. That’s why we are dedicated to providing a challenging and supportive learning environment for average to above average students who struggle with reading difficulties, need ADHD support or have other learning differences. Greenwood School is a private middle and high school in the Regency area. The school is situated on 14 acres, 10 of which are protected wetlands that we use for our outdoor classroom and laboratory. In ourclassrooms we have a low student to teacher ratio, typically 12 to 1. At Greenwood School we teach to the way our students learn by using multi-sensory instruction in all of our lessons, with auditory, visual and a hands-on approach to learning. High school students graduate with a standard diploma and many continue on to colleges, universities, trade schools and in to the military. We build on the strengths of our students and provide many enrichment courses and extracurricular activities. Greenwood students exhibit behavior that is conducive to a positive learning environment. We accept the McKay & Gardiner scholarships for those who qualify. Greenwood School, founded in 1985, is fully accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools.