Jax PBS KIDS Writers Contest

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Jax PBS KIDS Writers Contest

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The Jax PBS Kids Writers Contest is open to any child in grades K-3 who wants to write and illustrate their own story. Students may submit their story to WJCT Public Media for judging and a chance to win prizes. Local winning stories will compete for the local online People’s Choice Award. All writers and illustrators who enter and meet the requirements of the Jax PBS KIDS Writers Contest will have their work published online at wjct.org and receive a certificate. Grade level winners will also receive a Jax PBS KIDS bag of swag (may include, but not guaranteed, books, DVD, t-shirt); be invited to read their story live at Be My Neighbor Day; and have a video made of them reading their story. The People’s Choice winner, in addition to all of the above, will receive a $100 gift card. 

The Jax PBS KIDS Writers Contest is designed to promote the advancement of children’s literacy skills through hands-on, active learning. The contest is open to children in kindergarten, first, second and third grades and encourages creative thinking and storytelling, while building literacy skills through the creation and illustration of original stories.

All entries must be postmarked by March 15, 2024.  

Click here for more information

Thru March 15