We are currently experiencing problems with our Add A Listing form. If you would like to submit a listing, please contact info@jax4kids.com and include the following information:
Name of your listing
Whether or not your listing is an event
If it is an event, provide the the date, time, and if applicable, the recurring schedule (Mon-Fri, Every other monday, the 1st of every month, etc)
A sentence or two summary of your listing
Another, more detailed description of your listing
A list of categories your listing is relevant to (Things To Do, Indoor Play, Arts & Crafts, Music Classes, etc.)
Whether or not your listing is accesible to or can provide accomodations for customers/guests with special needs
Whether or not your listing is free to guests
Which age groups your listing is appropriate for
Which parts of town you are located in (Citywide, Arlington, Beaches, Clay Country, etc)
The address for your listing
A phone number and/or email address where potential customers/guests can contact you for more information
A link to your website, if you have one
A link to your Facebook page, if you have one
Attach up to 7 images you would like to have included in your listing
If you are interested in a premium/paid listing, you may also provide the link to a YouTube or Vimeo video to include on your listing, and up to 5 links to additional content, such as the FAQ page on your website, or a registration form.